A Journey of uncertainties.....

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thank God for leading me through the worship last sunday. Frankly speaking, being an indecisive person, when it comes to worship, I just really dunno how to pick the songs that will minister to the church & give God the glory He deserve.I must admits throughout the whole planning, I just stare at the songsheets before me and dunno what songs to choose. Its at that point, when He placed the melodies into my head through the holy spirit that I started to have the songs coming out one by one for the whole worship. How amazing is that!

Exams are just round the corner. Just went to be enrolled for next semester, when this semester is not even over yet. Have to really buck up and prepare real hard for the exams. I hope that I will be able to make God proud :) Please continue to pray for me, still having slight cough. Pray for God's healing grace to be upon me to grant me spedy recovery. thats all, God bless!:)


Leonard| Winson| Shermaine|
Yvonne| Lovelle| Joan|


Name: Caleb
Birthday: 30th October 1986


-Love thy neighbour as thy self
-Humility in all aspect


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